Wednesday, July 20, 2011

things i've been noticing a lot lately

people who are definitely talking to themselves
bunny rabbits

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

redon at the mfa: "lumiere"

lo and behold, the mfa is featuring redon in their 'works on paper' room. 'lumiere' (french for 'light') is one of my favorites in the exhibition but there are a number of other beautiful works in the room (by both redon and his teacher rodolphe bresdin). well worth the time spent dripping sweat down my back in the stifling park street station waiting for that E line.

boston globe blogger mark feeney points out how the figures resemble moviegoers looking up at a glowing screen, which he found particularly interesting because motion pictures weren't rolling as of yet when the lithograph was created in the late 1800's.  

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

redon: the question continues. findings so far.

supposedly didn't start using color until he was in his 50's. mmmmm, that sounds like a nasty rumor.
direct line to surrealists, and also perhaps to abstract expressionism. no surprise there.
oh, and apparently redon only tickles the eyes of early adolescents, so anyone over 20 who is enjoying him has undeveloped taste and should be ashamed (i think this is malarky. his oil paintings look like pastels, that shit is cool).

Monday, July 4, 2011

odilon redon

researching him now.
and my painting hiatus is coming to an end.