the image in color is by master painter claude monet. the image in pencil is by amateur doodler, nora gilchrist (aka me).
when i was studying art history at umass boston a few years ago i suffered a loss of confidence in the usefulness and value of what i will call "non-masterful art". those were dark days. my state of mind was as follows, "ugh, there's so much crappy art out there, i don't want to add to the pile."
thankfully these days i feel quite different about this matter. i feel that all of our art has value, even if it is just to our selves and perhaps a handful of others. i am glad that i can share my "non-masterful art" here and i am even more glad to view the work of others, masters and amateurs alike.
I'm glad that your mindset has changed and that you shared your art on this blog. I agree with your statement that all art has value. In fact, the value of art is something I'm very interested in. Value is not set in stone, especially that value that is not quantitative such as money. If you value your art, then it is valuable.